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property management services
We manage homes all over the area of Tamarindo, Villareal, Rio Santo and Hacienda Pinilla.
Administrative Services:
Payment services: utilities, staff's salaries, Handling monthly reports in CCSS, INS and payments.
Managing house staff
Bookkeeping: Monthly owner report , Home inspections.
Maid Services.
The Property Manager will offer maid service for the property, including purchasing cleaning supplies at owner’s cost.
All of our employees are covered by an insurance. Property manager will supervise every cleaning to make sure it is done properly.
Repairs, Renewals And Maintenance
Property Manager shall inspect the property periodically when not occupied, and shall hire and supervise staff to maintain, renew and repair the property as deemed necessary by the Property Manager, at the Owners cost. Any individual item in excess of $200 shall be approved by email by Owner in advance unless it is an emergency.
Pool And Gardening Services
The Property Manager will offer pool and gardening services for the property. Reliable, trustworthy contractors are essential to handling home upkeep and maintenance. To ensure that all maintenance is handled professionally in a cost-efficient manner.
property manager responsabilities
Bank Account Transactions
Involving owner fund advances, payment of Owner expenses and Property Management fees, rental income, security deposits and other items set out in shall be processed through the Property Manager’s operating bank account.
Property Inventory
The Property Manager shall acknowledge possession of the Property, its furnishings, utensils and appliances in good working order and will use best efforts to keep them in
the same condition allowing for wear and tear at the end of the Agreement term.
The Property Manager shall pay from Owner funds with prior notice to Owner:
- Any expenses, taxes, bank transfer cost, credit card fees or costs associated with
the operation, vacation rental service and management of the Property. - Repairs, maintenance and renewals that in the opinion of the Property Manager
are necessary to preserve the Property in rentable condition. - All bills, HOA fees and utilities that fall due.
- The Property Manager’s remuneration as set out in this document.
- Renter refunds if the Property Manager determines that any material failure or defect in the property has affected the enjoyment of a renter.
- Any other amounts necessary for the fulfillment of this document or that are agreed by email notification by Owner or representatives.
Property Manager shall provide periodically an owner statement detailing all transactions in the period on a cash basis.
The file containing supporting documentation for Property transactions shall be available for inspection by Owner.
**Rental income shall be reported in the month of the check out, and shall excluding booking fees, admin costs, and third party agency costs.·
owner responsabilities
Minimum Balance
The Owner shall maintain a minimum balance of 2 months ownership/operating costs. The minimum balance shall be assessed bi-annually and may be adjusted.
The Property Manager shall notify the Owner if the balance falls below this amount and the Owner shall promptly transfer an owner advance.
Property Manager is not responsible for the consequences of non-payment of essential bills because of a shortage of funds. The HOA shall be informed if payment of HOA fee is delayed due to lack of funds. If the Owner balance is negative the Property Manager shall charge interest of 2% per month on the negative balance.

Property Contents
Owner is required to maintain all contents and furnishing to a mutually acceptable standard. Property Manager shall hold and control all keys to the Property, apart from the Owner’s personal set of keys.
Property Maintenance
Owner is responsible for all costs associated with maintaining the property in good working order, as determined by the Property Manager, Including A/C, plumbing, roofing, electrical and appliances.
Vacation rental services

Costa Rica tax obligation
a. Owner acknowledges that the Property Manager does not provide tax advice or prepare tax declarations and that his tax obligations are independent from the services provided by Property Manager in this Agreement.
b. The Property Manager shall not be responsible for complying with Costa Rica tax obligations related to the company that owns the property or any other activity of the Owner carried on in Costa Rica.
c. Owner shall hire a Costa Rican accountant and comply with all tax obligations. At Owners request the Property Manager shall recommend a qualified accountant.
d. Corporation and personal taxes, luxury tax, municipal tax, annual company tax and sales taxes and any other Costa Rica or foreign tax are the responsibility of the lawyer to communicate to property manager.